There is no question that leather products aren’t what they used to be, most products are crafted by machines in China from low-quality leather, never touching the hands of a human until you buy it. Even when it’s branded with a designer logo, you’re likely not getting heirloom quality. PACT wants to change that, they’re working on a collection of leather wallets, cases and satchels that are first laser cut and then woven together by hand in the good old USA. What makes PACT products truly unique however is their threadless, glueless construction, employing only vegetable-tanned leather and awesome design to create minimlist products that are built to last. They are so confident in fact, that their products in fact that they will repair and replace and defects in material and workmanship.
PACT is currently running a Kickstarter campaign to raise money for equipment and for only a $35 pledge, you can get one of their wallets. So please, check them out and help them reach their goal so I can get my hands on their phone wallet.