The X7.1 uses illy’s iperespresso capsule technology, a two stage-process instead of the conventional one-stage, in order to extract the very best flavor from the illy beans for a full bodied espresso and coveted crema.
The Francis Francis X7.1 may look retro, but the espresso it produces is anything but your grandparent’s brew. The X7.1 uses illy’s iperespresso capsule technology, which utilizes a two stage-process instead of the conventional one-stage, in order to extract the very best flavor possible from illy espresso beans for a full bodied espresso and coveted crema. If you prefer milk, there is a Pannarello steam wand that froths milk for a perfect cappuccino and latte every time. The Francis X7.1 comes in either red or black, and at only $295 for the machine and less than a dollar per shot, it’s the significantly more economical choice than your local coffee house.